The Hiatus
I can't write the word Hiatus without seeing Hiatus Hernia, which of course is an entirely different thing. I mean, I guess sometimes you...

The Lockdown Office - Writing Life
Lockdown three million and it's finally happened... yes that's right I'm back at the kitchen table. Let's just take a moment to discuss...

It's a big week!
After months of waiting...okay maybe it's not months but it sure feels like it, tomorrow Tears of Ink is officially live. Reviews are...

Tears of Ink: Chapter One
A loud bang startles me and I almost slide off my stool. I wasn't asleep, though; far from it. My gaze is glued, with barely controlled...

What's coming up!
It's an exciting couple of weeks... EEEEK! I'm releasing a book in a just over a week. #puke #headinthesand #whyaren'tImoreorganised...
The worst bit about being a writer
I've been in this game for 6 years now. That might not seem long to some people who have spent decades honing their craft, but I like to...
Perfect Saturday Afternoons
I'm not going to lie; I get a bit cranky at the weekends. Monday to Friday (excluding during the school holidays) I have the house to...

Things that make me laugh!
So I'm surfing the net, you know, procrastinating which honestly is what I'm best at, and I find this. I'm writing a book at the moment...
Blogging and my little outlet
It's been a while since I blogged. Honestly, I haven't even thought about it since I started releasing books. It's been a fair while! I...

The bodyguard is coming
That's right. Blake Henderson's full novel His Possession is due for release at the end of November and for those of you who enjoyed his...